We are currently recruiting a replacement for the head of the Rothamsted Insect Survey - details are available on the Rothamsted Website:
Head of Environmental Trends and Rothamsted Insect Survey (RIS)We are currently recruiting a replacement for the head of the Rothamsted Insect Survey - details are available on the Rothamsted Website:
Head of Environmental Trends and Rothamsted Insect Survey (RIS)The Rothamsted Insect Survey (RIS) has been running two trap networks since 1964. Its long-term data are unique providing information on aphids, larger moths and many other migrating insects to scientists, growers, conservation organisations, individuals and policy makers. As such, the networks represent the most comprehensive standardised long-term data on insects in the World and have a wide range of fundamental and applied uses.
The suction-trap network began operation on the 29th April 1964 and continues to this day to monitor the aerial fauna migrating at height of 12.2m. Essentially, these suction-traps can be thought of as upside-down hoovers that indiscriminately catch small to medium-sized insects (≤5mg), particularly aphids. Suction-trap catches are monitored daily during the aphid season and weekly at other times.
The light-trap network currently comprises around 80 traps across the UK and Ireland with most traps run by volunteers who contribute data to the network. The Rothamsted light-traps use 200w clear tungsten-filament bulbs and most traps are emptied daily throughout the year. Over time, the trap network has caught over 1,500 species, primarily macro-moths with a small number of micro-moths. The samples generated are generally representative of the 'field scale'. Daily records are available but samples are not stored.
The Rothamsted Insect Survey, a National Bioscience Research Infrastructure, is funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council under the award BBS/E/RH/23NB0006.
RIS welcomes collaboration with those interested in using the datasets or specimen collections.
Our partner organisation, SASA, operate four traps in Scotland which are funded by the Scottish Government. These are Ayr, Dundee, Gogarbank and Inverness. SASA, Roddinglaw Road, Edinburgh, EH12 9FJ. sasa.gov.uk/diagnostics/entomology